POGP structure and authorities
1) Plenary Meeting
It is the decision-making and supervising body of the Organization's other bodies. The Plenary Meeting is attended by members of the Organization through their representatives. The main competencies of the Plenary Meeting include:
- Exercise control functions over the overall activities of the Organization
- Adoption of resolutions on amendments to the Articles of Organization,
- election and dismissal of members of the Bureau of the Organization,
- Approval of annual plans for material and financial tasks of the Organization,
- Adoption of resolutions on joining and withdrawing from foreign or national associations and organizations,
- Determining the rules for payment and amount of membership fees.
2) Presidium of the Union
It is the executive and governing body of the Organization in the periods between Plenary Meetings. Members of the Bureau are elected for a three-year term by the Plenary Meeting. The main powers of the Bureau include:
- Providing opinions on motions and draft resolutions presented to the Plenary Meeting,
- Presentation to the Organization of periodic reports on the activities of the Bureau,
- Development of annual plans for material and financial tasks of the Organization and their implementation,
- Establishment of commissions and working teams,
- Appointment of the Director General of the Organization.
3) Review Committee
It is appointed by the Plenary Meeting. It is composed of three members of the Organization, and its term of office is three years. The powers of the Audit Committee include:
- Examination of the financial report on the implementation of the budget for the previous year.
- Exercise control over the financial activities of the Union.
- To submit an assessment of the financial activities of the Union at the reporting and election meeting and to submit a motion for the discharge of the Union's President and Presidium.
4) Director General
He is appointed by the Bureau. He directs and manages the work of POGP based on the Bureau's resolutions and represents the Organization externally. The Director General manages the Bureau of POGP.
5) Industry committees
(a) Legal Commission.
- Chairman: Michal Faliszewski
(b) Security Commission
- Chairman: Iwona Porowska
(c) Technical Affairs Committee.
- Chairman: Cezary Kwella
(d) Commission on innovation, bio propane, bio propane-butane and LNG
- Chairman: Maciej Pęski
(e) Committee on Education and Communications
- Chairman: Mateusz Kędzierski
(f) Commission on autogas
- Chairperson: Katarzyna Rutkowska